Last year, some of you Nissan fans might remember the person who put an ad on Craigslist to sell their 1996 Nissan Maxima, and made it a commercial all its own. It went viral, and the automaker actually bought the vehicle from the person, and asked people what they should do with it. Many voted, and said it should be restored. Nissan did it, and now, they've made the video to prove it.
Taking cues from the original video that so brilliantly sold the seasoned Maxima, Nissan upped the dramatic effects, and then revealed the fully restored edition of the vehicle with its modern "features" like navigation, and entertainment (actual maps, and a cassette player). We certainly had a laugh.
To us at Massapequa Nissan, the restoration of the 1996 Maxima shows us that the vehicles in our showroom can last a long time and still look good years later, especially if they are taken care of with service and auto repair from technicians like ours.
To learn more, or to check out new Nissan vehicles, stop in and see us here in our Seaford, NY showroom, and we'd be happy to help.